Nations' Cup Hungary

Road Cycling Junior World Cup - August 14-15, 2025

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The chief judge of this year’s Hungarian Nations’ Cup race is coming from the Czech Republic

The One Belt One Road Nations’ Cup Hungary race starts on August 20, whose UCI judge will be the Czech Simona Davídková.

Published: July 31, 2021

Simona herself was prepared to be a cyclist, but the boys on her team never let her race, so at the age of eighteen she started to prefer the blue shirt. She has been judging for thirty-one years now, also working in competitions such as the 2016 Road World Championships, the 2017 Cyclo-cross World Championships or the most prestigious women’s competition in Central and Eastern Europe, the Tour de Feminin.

How is the work of the commissaires organized?

– Do you have three hours? The Commissaire´s Panel is like an orchestra, everyone has to know their function and work as well as possible. A very experienced team of UCI commissaires will work here in cooperation with the National Hungarian referees. There’s no need to explain much. Everybody knows what to do.

Which problems are generally of the road cycling?

– For the last two years, like everything else, we have been affected by the COVID 19 pandemic. Therefore, it is necessary to plan the races in the light of government measures. The general problem is the safety of all participants in the race, the security of road traffic and, again, due to the pandemic, the quality financial security of the race.

What do you think of the Nations’ Cup series?

– My opinion is very positive. For young riders who do not yet have professional contracts, this is an opportunity to introduce themselves within this quality series. In the Czech Republic we also have the Nation Cup – Junior Peace Race, which is rated high among UCI races. In addition, they are shorter routes, which suits me perfectly.

How did you prepare for a race?

– After all these years, it’s a routine for me. Properly I study the technical guide of the race, agree with the organizer on the security of the race, check the race participants via the UCI platform Dataride and arrange arrival at the race site.

Do you remember your first race?

– Yes, I remember. It was a classic regional race and the judges asked me if I could help them as one of the judges did not arrive. They say I’m just going to show the number of laps and ring the bell until the last lap. To this day, I am terrified of this function.

How much did you know about hungarian cycling?

– Not much, but as the owner of the website about cycling – – I follow a lot of informations about Tour of Hungary, where Czech teams also occasionally go, and I am also a fan of Kata Blanka Vas. After The One Belt Road Nation´s Cup I´ll have one more experience.

What do you think of Hungary?

– I am one quarter Hungarian, my grandfather was born in Békéscsaba, I have relatives in the south of Hungary. So only the best thing if I skips politics.





Nyíregyháza Vásárosnamény Ibrány

Partners and Sponsors

Partners and Sponsors
Külgazdasági és Külügyminisztérium
Hungarian Cycling Association
City of Anshun
Skoda Valent Auto
Varadi Ambulance Service
Uni-Hotel, Miskolc-Egyetemváros
Hunor Hotel, Vásárosnamény

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