Looking back on almost ten years, in 2013 the Hungarian team was also represented in the Croatian Tour of Istrian, the Czech Course de la Paix Juniors and the Luxembourgian GP Général Patton, whose members were Soma Ferencz, Dávid Karl, Zoltán Lengyel, Dániel Móricz, János Pelikán, Balázs Rózsa and Gergely Varró. The best Hungarian result was achieved in the last race, after János Pelikán finished in the twelfth place of the general classification.
Unfortunately, the national team was not present at any of the World Cup races in 2015, but we were again raced in 2016: Marcell Beke, Ábel Dian, Béla Hakk, Zsolt Istlstekker, Ádám Karl, Kiss Hunor, Roland Minkó, Barnabás Peák, Ferenc Szöllősi and Attila Valter formed the team. Following the Course de la Paix Juniors, the GP General Patton was where the move actually came from, Attila Valter opened with a fifth place – while Barna Peák won three mountain sprint – and since he also came in the first twenty-five on the second difficult mountain stage, so he finally finished in the fifteenth position of the general classification – while Peák triumphed in the mountain classification.
The nation finished in 21st place in 2013 at the overall of the Nations’ Cup series, but Hungary was left without a point in 2014, so in 2015 it did not participate in any competition, while in 2016 it finished in 26th place in the rankings.